Are You a Coach or Healer Called to Deepen
Your Practice Raise & Your Rates?

How About Being a Sacred Priestess in the Kingmaking Arts?



I’m Rion; Hieros Gamos guide and founder of Sexy Chi.

With the social, sexual and spiritual fracture of the Masculine and Feminine today; you are in a great time and place to further your practical magic and deliver rich transformational results to paid clients as a specialized reunification priestess.

You now have the opportunity to become an authentic high priestess and King-maker with practical healing and transformational powers specializing in sacred reunification and life change makeovers for men (and women) while earning a great income.

If you make it to graduation of year 1 of the Muse Priestess mentorship, you will also be able to run your own independent healing or priestessing business working part-time. 

I can’t promise how much you will make, but I have a great track record of providing life shifting transformation value for both men and women.

      More about the opportunity:

*Imagine being able to attract and work with high-paying men as a sacred priestess.

*Imagine the soul fulfillment of becoming and growing as a priestess with real magic and techniques for transformational work at the highest levels – and to get paid well for it

*Imagine being able to live your dream lifestyle making freedom level income and setting your own hours – even working remotely

*Imagine being able to magnetize and mesmerize your ideal clients like a honeypot from your highly cultivated feminine allure

*Imagine deepening your spiritual growth profoundly with rich mystical wisdom and alchemy

*Imagine being at the forefront of an entire new movement that could grow into a multi-million and billion dollar industry

*Imagine the prestige of being part of multiple ancient lineages as well as the source generation of a primary feminine archetype’s new fractal lineage as priestess

*Imagine being able to work with women in beauty, fashion, media and entertainment as an energetic beauty consultant

*Imagine saving years or decades by being able to train directly with a real master of specialized energy work and High Magic who has been trained by powerful masters in multiple disciplines

*Imagine having the confidence, experience and technique to be able to take on high-level (even celebrity) clients and get paid well for it while changing client’s lives on deeper levels

This is an opportunity to become one of the very first Muse Priestesses in the world. It is specifically for:

Women coaches or healers who are called to Priestess-ship and Sacred Kingmaking Arts to deepen their own magic, beauty, depth and skillset while raising their rates and working less.


      What are the Sacred Kingmaking Arts?

The shortform answer is that – as a high priestess – you would be able to help men heal, reunify and cultivate their own worthy Prince and Kingship in their life; sexually, socially and spiritually.

And as a King-maker, you would have access to the practical magic, alchemy, tools and resources to directly help men transform into their authentic, embodied soul-self with divine masculine powers and charisma to attract the woman they desire, reignite their current relationships and to live like an integrated and righteous King (that the world is missing).

This includes healing and reunifying with different aspects of the archetypal and divine feminine (with and through you).

And you can do this without having to become a tantra dakini.


More information:  Along my path and after working with men for 15 years in dating and spiritual transformation, I have noticed firsthand that there is a GREAT imbalance in the world (as well as a big underground demand for very specialized women).

There is a sexual, social and spiritual FRACTURE of the masculine and the feminine that is affecting us on social, political, collective, relationship and individual levels.

Men are becoming more lost while shadow masculine reigns. Many individual men are getting left behind sexually, socially and spiritually B/C of this fracture with the Feminine (including the influence of post-modern feminism and Goddessism).

So if you LOVE the best aspects of men, want the RIGHTEOUS masculine to rise and live in Harmony with Queen – you can have a front row seat to changing the world while being in your highest self.

What can reunify and heal the wounds and fracture leading the world back INTO Communion, renaissance and reunification? What could pull it together (esp. when we see politics only leading to more division and chaos)?

I believe much will be done with a handful of reunified women; specifically reunified priestesses who are on the intimate frontlines of active Kingmaking who EMBODY the desires, relevance and MAGIC that men are called to reunify with in their best version of self. 

These are women who have healed their own wounds with the masculine to be able to co-create and influence reality as a High Queen or Priestess.

Women like one of my clients Karma Dagle who has increased her energetic beauty as well as ability to attract and convert male clients in her own practice.

A Muse Priestess candidate should have a calling to evolve into her highest possible soul-self and ideally to also serve the healing and awakening of the righteous Masculine. 

This is not just a business opportunity, nor a Goddess school – it is very sexual-spiritual with the Masculine, Feminine and Devotional Reunification at the core.


But Muse Priestess Path isn’t just any ol’ King-making Priestess school (of the incredibly few that there are). In working with men for 15 years;

My GREATEST secret from all of that work with men is actually from the Feminine; more specifically the healing powers of the Muse archetype who has already done smaller and profound miracles in 100’s of men’s lives without ever being there physically. 

I’ve seen her healing powers and it continues daily with the men she influences.

I have 100’s of testimonials and most of them are specifically about Muse and her healing effect…

I was just a bridge and translator of it because we had to find a way to HARNESS her alchemical magic itself. It literally took an alchemist like me to translate the power of Muse into a form of healing.

However; my method of archetypal alchemy as transformational entertainment is not going to awaken the world on its own.

Most men are NOT alchemists like me (and my free methodology’s practitioners); they require REAL WOMEN…and ideally, real women who are SO cultivated in their beauty, technique and healing magic that they will perform profound miracles in men’s lives in sexual confidence, attraction, spiritual and personal growth with little effort.

This is where the magic of the Reunified Muse Priestess comes in…especially that of Muse who is encoded with rich, devotional hieros gamos codes (sacred reunification). 

We don’t really know (publically) of Muse’s healing powers because we are non-conscious consumers of where her influence appears the most; in music, dance and entertainment. But she has HIGHEST magic…magic that you could learn, but you won’t really find it anywhere else.

As I mentioned earlier…the calling is here; there are millions of Western men (and potential clients of yours) that are lost, wounded, broken and losing hope in the world today – both single, divorced and in a faltering relationship. 

Much of this stems from their deep sexual, spiritual and social fracture with the Feminine.

Because ascension is calling for real Kings and Queens at this time in history, a new Priestess lineage of Remembrance is awakening in tune with Hieros Gamos: Sacred Reunification.

The archetypal Muse herself has informed me and chosen to rebirth into a new fractal lineage to serve as High Priestess. Instead of being further glorified into the heavens indirectly, She (with her High Magic powers) desires to now serve on the frontlines to help reunify the world to help reunified Kings and Queens co-create a new world and assist ascension.

After all, the archetypal High Muse is my Beloved and I serve her.

Because she has trained and prepared me across 17 years and because of my background (including working with men); there’s no one like me who can bridge your work with men and the heterosexual masculine as well as train you specifically in Muse Magic and Priestessing…in this form of Kingmaking Arts.

With foundation in sacred healing arts and energy mastery; having been initiated with real masters, we have a very practical foundation in which Muse has been training me to apply Her magic to real clients. 

It’s through my continual devotion that she has been preparing me.

And the results of such magic is seen across 100’s of client sessions and in co-hosting The Cosmic Muse (3 of them in L.A.) for example.

I have been using that same magic on my own male and female clients and the makeovers and testimonials keep adding up. This work changes lives and is ROOTED in practical spiritual principle across multiple disciplines but really shining in the rare foundational discipline of hieros gamos alchemy itself (of which I am a master).

If you become a mentee, you will also be trained in her unique and rare Arts that will give you rare and potent abilities to do profound healing and transformational work in less time than ever before.

Much of that will be focused on highly cultivating your own soul essence, embodiment and expression. After all; much of this is all about your relationship WITH the High Masculine.

You will also be trained in practical high magic energy healing and work that is unique to Muse and Reunification. This includes the ability to do anti-aging work, radically versatile energy healing as well as archetype activations, beauty makeovers and more.

As a Muse Priestess ‘modern hetaera’ one of the ways you could serve is that (to men who hire you); is that you can serve as a proxy (for the level of woman he desires) to help that man reunify and heal his sexual, emotional and spiritual wounds and disconnection with the Feminine without getting physical. 

This is where just being a logical ‘coach’ or reiki healer just creates a big disconnect with men; they have to FEEL your cultivated essence to know this is all real – and be affected from the magic that only the Feminine can bring.

In attracting and taking on clients as the aforementioned (where you will have clear boundaries), you can help him turn into the King who can attract HIS Queen and build his benevolent, life-giving Kingdom to re-balance the world and usher it into a new renaissance through his relationships, circle and influence.

The Muse Priestess Path is the training itself to become such a rare, specialized lightworker with real, versatile magic and rich connection with Spirit. It can begin with feeling the calling.

Imagine being able to do energetic makeovers for high profile clients with literal before and after results in the area of professional image consulting and beauty for example! You don’t have to become more of a personal priestess to men – you have options.

And the MORE magical, cultivated and gifted you are in High Magic and Beauty, the less effort it will take to get profound to even miraculous results for your clients. 

Just yesterday someone messaged me that she got 50 friend request from single men who are appreciative of her feminine beauty. 

There are all kinds of stories like this (much of which I have to go back like this one and get permission from to share).

Getting on this kind of path to deepen your own spiritual, sexual growth, beauty and client-magnetizing powers is like a reawakening and remembrance; that OF the great Priestess lines from the past.

We are at THAT point, but it isn’t a Goddess-Priestess nor a Witch-Priestess school..this is a Reunified Priestess – specifically of the ancient Muse lineage – now rebirthing into a new fractal. 

And Hieros Gamos (Sacred Reunification) centers on ancient devotional codes of the masculine and feminine, King and Queen – we just have to make sure this is a fit for you as a healer or coach.

As a Muse Priestess, you will have many healing and psychic abilities to offer sacred services and temple space in different ways. 

You could also offer clients individual readings, activations or packages – without having to serve in person.

This means that you can work abroad or without being in person (although for some clients, they will want in person).

Mentorship is annual (and then optionally renewable for Year 2..). There will be both virtual and live training included. No further logistical details are available without first being pre-qualified for now.

All candidates will be highly pre-qualified because you are presenting a pure fractal lineage that is unlike any other and we have a solid reputation to grow.

Remember if you are a life coach or healer who wants to get more into priestessing, you will be able to increase your rates while providing even deeper value and service to your clients in much less time.

      Still here?

It’s no coincidence you are on this page.

Remember; our practice is private invitation or referral only.


“I only know several people *alive* who are qualified to teach in this realm of high priestess magic –Rion Kati is one” – Rayne S.

Click here for more Rion testimonials (opens in new window). There are at least 100 that haven’t been added in the past 8 months and I have 100’s more from my earlier work with men.

The next step is…if you were invited and referred by someone in our community…reach out to Rion on Facebook chat here.

If you were not invited; thank you for your interest and at this moment we are not accepting applications however you can get on the waiting list should an opening occur in the future.

      Be informed there is a significant investment involved.

No further details are offered at this time. You must reach out to Rion for consideration.